Know where it grows.
As busy working parents, we know it is hard to get healthy, home-cooked meals on the table most days. We also understand what we eat impacts our overall health. Having a connection with the source of our food has had a positive effect on our family and we hope to extend that benefit to you.
It’s no wonder a hard-working guy and a creative, formally-trained chef from the Midwest are doing big things in the Flinthills of Kansas. After spending time on the east coast, then wanting to escape city life, Mike and Rachel Newberry bought their Sedan Ranch in 2020. They first embraced ranch life with the purchase of a few tractors, an old farmhouse, 40 acres and 7 registered royal white sheep – a small group that has now grown to a flock of over 200.
As their family and farm grew, their desire to bring farm fresh products to the area has grown along with it. The Newberrys have now expanded their operation to include farm-raised plants and produce grown in greenhouses on their property. They also offer an assortment of novelty farm items, such as Black-Shouldered Indian blue and white peacocks and Border Collies puppies.
“So much care and dedication goes into everything they grow.”
– Kelly D.